Welcome Back
Posted onWelcome back students and families for the 2024-25 school year. Mr. Dupre and I are excited to join the Banded Peak learning community and look forward to meeting and working with students and families this year. I have worked in Rocky View Schools for twenty-seven years in various leadership capacities and I am both honored and eager to embark on this journey with you as we work together to support and inspire our students.
Over the next week, our team is back preparing for the new school year, and we look forward to welcoming students after the long weekend. Please follow the staggered entry schedule below:
September 3rd: ½ Kindergarten (A-L), Grade 1, Grade 3, Grade 5, Grade 7
September 4th: ½ Kindergarten (M-Z), Grade 2, Grade 4, Grade 6, Grade 8
September 5th: Whole School and return to regular schedule.
Later this week, you will receive an email from the school indicating your child’s class placement as well as a welcome email from their new teacher. Each placement was carefully considered by last year’s teachers and administration with the goal of creating optimal learning environments that are both academically enriching and socially balanced.
Additionally, we have had families reaching out inquiring about school supplies. You can check out the lists of required supplies for grade 5-8 students on our website at https://bandedpeak.rockyview.ab.ca/learning/school-supplies.
Many of you may be curious about the impact of the June 20 Ministerial Order regarding Personal Mobile Devices and Social Media in the classroom. Rocky View has been working to create a divisional response to these new expectations from Alberta Education and details will be shared directly from the division later this week with families. Further conversations regarding how this will impact Banded Peak students directly will begin in September. Watch for further details to follow.
Finally, attached to this letter you will find correspondence from Murray Besenski, Associate Superintendent of Schools, regarding extracurricular sport fees.
Should you have any questions about any of these items, please do not hesitate to reach out at jmoore@rockyview.ab.ca.
I look forward to a year of growth, learning, and shared success!
Warm regards,
Jody Moore