Child Development Advisor (CDA)

Child Development Advisor (CDA): Mrs. Chris Gibbs
The Child Development Advisor (CDA) offers a collaborative, planned, and balanced approach to student development. Planned activities focus on developing specific skills in students, with the goal of enhancing both their social interactions and their academic achievement. The CDA consults with staff, students, parents, and when necessary, with outside agencies. This ensures that the needs of all learners are being met. The program is designed to provide proactive and preventative programs as well as interventions with issues, which have already been identified. CDAs are active members of both School Resource and Crisis Management Teams.
The CDA position has an emphasis on the Social and Emotional wellness of students from kindergarten to grade eight and offers a variety of small group and in-class sessions, mentoring, assist with behavioural support plans, and crisis relief.
Areas of Support:
- Conflict resolution and anger management
- Coping with changes in the family
- Dealing with loss and grief
- Family supports and referrals
- Increasing self-esteem
- Leadership
- Peer Support
- Anxiety
- Preventative Programming
- Relationship Building
- Social Skills
- Mediation
- Friendship Skills
- Problem Solving
- Bullying
- The CDA together with administration and the classroom teacher will develop Behaviour Support Plans as needed.
Accessing the CDA: Students can be referred to the CDA in FOUR ways:
- Student Self Referral
- Parent Referral
- Teacher Referral
- Administrative or CDA Referral
If you feel that your child would benefit from support, please consult with your child's teacher, administration or the CDA.